Please find below an introduction to our Church leaders and Staff members. A large team of men and women also lead in various areas in the Church. Go to the Leadership Team page for more information.

Timothy Akinluyi
Tim is the founding Pastor and Lead Elder. He oversees the work of the Elders, who direct the affairs of the church. Tim is married to Pearl who is a Church-in-the-home leader and the Director of Training and Publications. |
Edward Demi-Ejegi
Edward is an Elder. He oversees the Event Production Teams. He is also a Church-in-the-home leader. He is married to Ebby who leads the Mini-kids Club.

Kenny Iranoye
Kenny is an Elder. He oversees the Hospitality and Welfare teams. He is also a Church-in-the-home leader. He is married to Rhoda who is the Worship Leader.
Tayo Daramola
Tayo is an Elder. He oversees the Outreach teams. He is also a Church-in-the-home leader. He is married to Tola who is actively involved in youth work.

Didi Akinluyi
Didi is an Elder. He oversees the Media teams and 26-40 ministry. He is also the Musical Instruments Director. He is married to Emilie who leads a Church-in-the-home.
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Tope Adebisi-Daniel
Tope is an Elder. He oversees the Facilities and PA teams. He is also a Church-in-the-home leader. He is married to Tope who is the Singing Director.

Pearl Akinluyi
Pearl is the Director of Training & Publications.
Pearl also leads a Church-in-the-home.

Amanda Wray
Amanda is the Church Administrator
Amanda also co-leads a Church-in-the-home.

Iréné Fufeyin
Iréné is the Youth Work Coordinator.

Bosede Babalola
Bosede is a Church-in-the-home leader. She is also the Welcome Team Coordinator.

Edwin Uwagboe
Edwin is the Website Administrator.
If you need to contact the Church please visit the Contact Us page.